Pardon the quality since I don't have a digital camera except for the one that is integrated into my phone. It is a 2 Megapixel camera so you can't expect much but they do the job just fine I think.
These are the clippers I got for any hair trimming needs. I could never really trim my sideburns so I thought that I would get these since they cover all the aspects of cutting hair. This Wahl brand is supposed to very high quality and I played around with them today and they seem very nice. The only problem is that all the stuff that comes with it (guide combs and brushes etc.) just sit in there with nothing holding them in place so it can bounce around if you were to shake it or turn it upside down. Overall it does its job and will hopefully last.
There you go, a picture with me actually in it. I had to throw some kind of sign just for kicks :)
This last picture is more for me since I washed my car this past saturday I believe. The rims were absolutely disgusting so I did my annual washing of my car so it would look presentable again. As you can tell the driveway is still soaked from all the water I used, so no it didn't rain.
As for the volleyball thing that went from Tuesday night to Wednesday night, it was enjoyable but long and draining. Being able to stay at Nate and Kari's place was fun and comfortable but the whole experience was more of a learning experience than anything else. Let's just say it is pretty obvious that when you are on a double date and you can hardly get your date to directly talk to you that you should just call it good and say that it wasn't судьа (fate/destiny) that you both met. Her sister on the other hand is a whole different story but that could be mucked up now as well. I will just leave it at that.
Oh, thanks for letting me stay at your guys' place (Nate & Kari) and for the food and shopping around. I really did sleep better than you think (like a log actually). Hopefully Audrey will stop saying "No Derek" now that I've left since I apparently wore out my welcome within the first day, ugg. I seriously cannot read that girl sometimes. One moment she is playing around with me and the next she wants to hit me or shove me away when I swear I haven't done anything wrong, oh well. At least she acts like she likes me half of the time :). Oh the fun. Less than two weeks I believe until the Net Net arrives!! Woo!