It appears that I am a very unlucky person since coming off my parents insurance because since I have been uninsured I have had 3 incidents worthy of going to see a doctor. One of those incidents actually required immediate attention unfortunately (the latest one).
The first one happened about a year or so ago playing basketball where I had to rebound a ball off balance because I got bumped and landed wrong on the outside of my right foot. Because of that I had a very bruised pinky toe that took a couple weeks till I could walk normally on it again without pain. I have a picture but nobody likes to look at feet. I still can't bend my pinky toe all the way down without noticeable pressure to this day.
My second incident occurred six weeks ago in basketball as well where some Asian dude in church basketball was playing apparently too seriously and jumped on me when trying to get a loose ball and forced my finger at the end of the joint to bend really far when my finger was completely straight.As you can tell it wasn't all that pleasant. The joint is practically healed but it is crooked (if you can't tell I'm not surprised cause I point it out and someone has to stare to notice) and doesn't bend all the way. Oh, I went in to the *free* walk-ins at OSU's health services to get it checked out and it took an x-ray for them to be like "yep it's broken", WELL DUH. That cost an annoying 80$. When I came back after 3-4 weeks the doctor finally listened to me that my finger was crooked and said "well it is a little late now, it is set in place", wow... After that he said I could go see a specialist and probably have hand therapy or something to help. It would cost like 80$ just to get a consult and more to do the therapy so obviously I turned that down. The funny thing is I told him I didn't have insurance yet he kept referring me to things that would cost extra money when it was his fault for not listening to me in the beginning so this wouldn't have happened. FRUSTRATING.
This final incident (hopefully the last) occurred this past Wednesday during Tennis. I am not proud of this one in the least. To keep things short let's just say I hit myself in the face with a tennis racket. No it was not on purpose and yes I really was playing tennis. It all comes down to a bad court, a bad bounce, and me trying to adjust to play the ball and ending up hitting myself in the face with my racket. I will never give advice in any sport now because I've obviously lost all credibility as to my skills, *sigh*. I broke off a HUGE chunk of my front tooth and cracked my lip open. I had to have a root canal and my tooth filled in until I can get a crown. Thanks to Bro. Curtis Clark from my home ward this was all done on short notice, i.e. within 15 min. of the accident. For this I am extremely grateful (and to not look like a pirate...).
Pictures speak a thousand words so I'm putting in the foot injury picture. Don't stare too long cause that's gross and feet are just plain gross.
Moral of the story
Stuff happens and you just have to deal with it even when the timing is absolutely horrible. I say this because I haven't been injured since early high school and since turning 25 I have had 3 considerably bad incidents. For anyone that wants stuff to happen to them so they have something to talk about, you're dumb. If I sound a little mean I'm sorry but this past week has been less than desirable considering it's spring break. On a side note though I can successfully play about 4-5 songs on the piano now (with both hands!!!). Hey, give me a break. I haven't had piano lessons since I was 8.