Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Air Alert

I've been messing around with this new workout program that is supposed to increase your verticle jump by 8 to 14 inches after 15 weeks. I've just started the second week of the program where instead of having a day of rest in between workouts you have to do three consecutive days in a row. All I can say is that even before getting to the second day the reps, and sets that they are making you do are killer on your legs. It is a good thing that they have you warm up, stretch, get plenty of sleep, and eat plenty of nutricious foods because if you didn't do these things I would be immensely sore right now.

For some reason I'm feeling pretty good after the workout I did today but before I even began I was so tired and was slow to even get started at the beginning but once I began it was just fine. The reason behind all of this is so that I can have some better hops by the time the summer ends since I've always had a goal of dunking on a 10' hoop and not just one handed. Some other benefits that I would like to gain from it all is overall increased strength in my legs for better sprinting and being able to perform better in all aspects of sports. Playing volleyball would be way cooler if I didn't have to get as much of a running start to be able to spike it at a good angle as well as being able to consistently have a better view of the court to spike to since I would be able to get up higher. There are some other things that would be interesting such as being able to do a backflip without flopping on ones head and probably others that I just can't think of.

Anyways this will be short but man will it be cool if I can follow through with this to the end and get some real results. It is not every day you see a 6' white guy two hand dunk a basketball.

For a really cool dunk fest that features a 5'10" guy who's got major hops you should check out this link. If he can do it and make it look easy, why shouldn't I be able to at least get up there. I mean heck, I can already touch the rim with two hands but I just can't grab it. Another 8 inches would allow me to at least two hand dunk and more if done one handed.

1 comment:

Annette said...

Go Derek, Go! I am rooting for you and your increased jumping skillz. :)

Working out is way more fun when you have a goal to look towards. Keep it up, you're doing great!